"Virtual Keyboard Piano in Python"

Here's an example of a basic implementation of a virtual keyboard piano in Python using the pygame library:

This code uses the pygame library to create a virtual piano. It starts by importing the library and then initializing the mixer. It loads the sound files for each note of the piano and defines a function play_note(note) that plays the corresponding sound file when called with a valid note. Then it runs a loop that takes input from the user and calls the play_note(note) function to play the sound.

You can customize this code by adding more features like different instruments, different sound files, GUI, etc.

To run this code, you will need to have pygame library installed on your system and a Python development environment. Some popular options include IDLE (which is included with the Python installation), PyCharm Community Edition, and Visual Studio Code with the Python extension. Also you will need to have sound files for notes in .wav format.

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