Line following robot: Create a robot that can follow a line on the floor using sensors and a motor controller - Python Language

Here's some sample Arduino code for creating a line following robot using sensors and a motor controller:

This code uses two sensors, one for the left and one for the right, to detect the line. It uses the analogRead() function to read the sensor values. Based on the sensor values, it uses the digitalWrite() function to control the motors. The threshold value is set to 600, this value can be adjusted based on the sensor and the lighting conditions. If the robot is on the left side of the line it turns right, if the robot is on the right side of the line it turns left, and if the robot is on the center of the line it moves forward. If the robot is not on the line, it stops the robot.

To use this code, you will need the following electronic components:

  • An Arduino UNO or any arduino board
  • Two line sensors (for example, TCRT5000)
  • Two DC motors
  • A Motor controller (L298N, L293D)
  • Jumper wires
  • A power supply for the motors, usually 6 to 12V DC will work depending on the motors.

You will also need to connect the components together in a circuit, here's a simple circuit diagram: To connect the circuit:

  1. Connect the sensors to the analog pins on the Arduino, the code I provided uses A0 for the left sensor and A1 for the right sensor.
  2. Connect the motor controller to the digital pins on the Arduino, the code I provided uses 3 for the left motor pin and 11 for the right motor pin.
  3. Connect the positive lead of the power supply to the positive terminal of the motor controller and the negative lead of the power supply to the negative terminal of the motor controller.
  4. Connect the motors to the motor controller, check the motor controller's documentation for more information on how to connect the motors.

You can buy all the electronic items from amazon or any other online or physical store. Amazon links are as follows.

Please note that you should check the motor's voltage requirement before buying the power supply. Please make sure that the connections are correct and you're using the right pin numbers as mentioned in the code. Please let me know if you have any questions or if there's anything else I can help you with.

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