Creating a Basic Text Editor using Python's tkinter Library - Python Language

Here is a sample Python program that creates a basic text editor:

This code uses the tkinter library to create a GUI for the text editor. The open_file() function prompts the user to select a file to open and then it reads the content of the file and displays it in the text area. The save_file() function prompts the user to select a file to save and then it writes the content of the text area to the selected file.

The open_file() and save_file() functions are called when the "Open" and "Save" options are selected from the "File" menu, respectively.

The program creates a window with a title "Text Editor", a Text widget to display the content of the file, and a menu bar with a File option which allows the user to open and save a file.

Please note that this is just a basic example, you can add more functionality to the text editor by adding more options to the menu bar, or by adding more widgets to the window.

You need to have python installed in your system to run this code. Please let me know if you have any questions or if there's anything else I can help you with.

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