Currency converter - Python Language

Currency converter: A currency converter can be created by using an API such as Open Exchange Rates to retrieve current exchange rates and convert one currency to another.

Here is a sample code for Currency converter:

This code uses the requests library to make a GET request to a currency conversion API which returns the exchange rate for the provided currencies. It uses the json method of the response object to parse the JSON data returned by the API. Once we have this data we can simply use the formula: to_amount = amount * from_rate to get the converted amount.

The convert_currency() function takes three arguments: the amount to be converted, the original currency, and the target currency. It then uses the requests library to make a GET request to the API endpoint and passing the original currency code in the url. It then parses the JSON data returned by the API to get the exchange rate for the original and target currencies, and calculates the converted amount using the formula mentioned above.

I hope this explanation helps, let me know if you have any other questions.

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