Budget planner - Python Language

Budget planner: A budget planner can be created by using a database (such as SQLite) to track a user's income and expenses and provide a visual representation of their budget.

Here is a sample code for a Budget planner:

This code uses a class called Budget to keep track of expenses. The class has the following methods:

  • __init__(self): This is the constructor method of the class, it initializes an empty dictionary called expenses.
  • add_expense(self, category, amount): this method takes two arguments, a category and an amount. If the category already exists in the expenses dictionary, it adds the amount to the existing value of that category, otherwise, it creates a new key-value pair in the dictionary with the category and the amount.
  • remove_expense(self, category): This method takes one argument, a category, and checks if the category exists in the expenses dictionary, if it does, it removes the key-value pair of that category from the dictionary.
  • get_expenses(self): This method returns the expenses dictionary.
  • get_total_expenses(self): this method returns the total expenses by summing up all the values in the expenses dictionary using the sum() function.

In the sample code, an instance of the Budget class is created and the add_expense() method is used to add expenses to the budget with the categories "groceries" and "entertainment" and their respective amounts. The code also illustrates how to use the get_expenses() and get_total_expenses() methods to print the expenses and the total expenses respectively.

This is a simple example of how to use a class to create a budget planner, it can be expanded upon with additional functionality such as setting budgets, tracking income, creating reports etc.

Let me know if you have any other question or need help with anything else.

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