List of Electronics For Arduino UNO

Here is a list of electronics that can be implemented with an Arduino UNO:
  1. Interfacing of LCD Module With Arduino UNO
  2. OLED Display
  3. Relay Module
  4. Servo Motors
  5. Ultrasonic Sensor
  6. IR Remote
  7. Keypad
  8. LED (Light Emitting Diode)
  9. DHT11/22 (Temperature and Humidity Sensor)
  10. Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)
  11. Sound Detection Module
  12. Tilt Sensor
  13. MQ-2 Smoke Sensor
  14. NFC/RFID Reader
  15. Breadboard
  16. Motors (DC, Stepper)
  17. Potentiometer
  18. 8x8 LED Matrix
  19. GSM Module (SIM900/SIM800)
  20. GPS Module
  21. Accelerometer/Gyroscope Sensor
  22. Compass (Magnetometer) Sensor
  23. Barometer (BME280) Sensor
  24. PIR (Passive Infrared) Sensor
  25. BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) Module
  26. Zigbee Module
  27. NeoPixel LED
  28. TFT LCD Display
  29. L298N H-Bridge Motor Driver
  30. RF Transmitter/Receiver Module
  31. ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter)
  32. DAC (Digital-to-Analog Converter)
  33. RTC (Real-Time Clock) Module
  34. Solar Panel
  35. Solenoid
  36. Piezo Buzzer
  37. DC-DC Converter
  38. Linear Actuator
  39. RGB LED
  40. Hall Effect Sensor
  41. Infrared Receiver
  42. XBee Module
  43. Micro SD Card Reader
  44. Power Supply (Voltage Regulator)
  45. Temperature Sensor (LM35/LM335)
  46. Photoresistor
  47. Capacitive Touch Sensor
  48. FSR (Force Sensitive Resistor)
  49. Voltage Sensor
  50. Optocoupler
  51. Buzzer (Active and Passive)
  52. Soil Moisture Sensor
  53. pH Sensor
  54. Rotary Encoder
  55. Thermistor
  56. Joystick

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