Weather station: Build a Weather Station that Can Measure Temperature, Humidity, and Other Meteorological Data - Python Language

Here is an example of a Python script and Arduino Board that can be used to collect data from a weather station that measures temperature, humidity, and pressure:

This script uses the PySerial library to establish a serial connection with the Arduino board. The port and baudrate need to be adjusted accordingly. The script then continuously reads data from the serial port, decodes it and removes any whitespaces. The data is then split into variables using a comma separator, which is sent from the Arduino. Finally, the script prints the data of temperature, humidity and pressure.

To build a weather station using this script, you will need the following electrical components: (I have provided the links you can buy from Amazon):

  1. Arduino UNO board: The Arduino UNO is the microcontroller board that will be used to control the sensors and collect data.
  2. DHT22 sensor: The DHT22 sensor is used to measure temperature and humidity.
  3. BME280 sensor: The BME280 sensor is used to measure temperature, humidity, and pressure.
  4. OLED Display: The OLED display is used to display the data collected by the sensors.
  5. Breadboard: The breadboard is used to connect the sensors and display to the Arduino UNO.
  6. Jumper wires: The jumper wires are used to connect the components on the breadboard.
  7. Power Supply

Next, we need to connect the sensors and display to the Arduino UNO using the breadboard and jumper wires. The following is a sample circuit diagram for connecting the DHT22 sensor to the Arduino UNO:

  • VCC of the sensor -> 3.3V of the Arduino
  • Data of the sensor -> 2 of the Arduino
  • GND of the sensor -> GND of the Arduino

Similarly, the BME280 sensor and OLED display can be connected to the Arduino UNO.

It's important to note that the exact code and wiring may vary depending on the specific library and sensor you are using. It is recommended to refer to the documentation provided by the manufacturer for more information and consult the circuit diagram to make sure your connections are correct.

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