Shopping Cart

Shopping Cart

Title: "Python Shopping Cart Code and Implementation" Search terms: "python shopping cart", "python e-commerce" Software: Python, Flask (for web framework), SQLite (for database)

This code creates a simple shopping cart application using the Flask web framework in Python and SQLite for the database. The application has three routes, '/', '/add', and '/remove/<item_id>', which are handled by the 'index', 'add' and 'remove' functions respectively. The 'index' function retrieves all items in the cart from the SQLite database, and renders them in an HTML template along with the total price of all items in the cart. The 'add' function is called when a form is submitted on the website, it takes the item and price from the form, and adds them to the cart using the 'add_to_cart' function which inserts the item and price into the SQLite database. The 'remove' function is called when a user clicks the remove button next to an item in the cart, it takes the item_id as a parameter, and removes the item from the cart using the 'remove_from_cart' function which deletes the item from the SQLite database.

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