Instant Messenger

Creating an instant messenger from scratch is a quite complex task, it will require multiple technology stack and a lot of work to handle different scenarios.

Here's an example of a basic implementation of an instant messenger in Python using the socket library:

This code creates a socket object and connects to the server using the socket.AF_INET and socket.SOCK_STREAM parameters, which specify that the socket should use the TCP protocol. The hostname of the local machine is obtained using the socket.gethostname() function and the port number is set to 12345.

The code then sends a message "Hello server!" to the server and receives a response of 1024 bytes.

This is just a basic example of how to use the socket library to send messages between a client and a server. In order to create a real instant messaging application, you would need to implement additional features such as user authentication, message encryption, handling multiple connections, etc.

The title for the instant messenger code could be "Instant Messenger in Python Using Sockets" or "Python Socket-based Instant Messenger."

To run this code, you will need to have a Python development environment and a server that you are able to connect to. Some popular options include IDLE (which is included with the Python installation), PyCharm Community Edition, and Visual Studio Code with the Python extension.

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