DIY Smart Mirror with Raspberry Pi

Here is an example of a Python script that can be used to create a smart mirror using a Raspberry Pi:

This script uses the pyowm library to retrieve weather data from the OpenWeatherMap API, the PIL library to create an image for the OLED display, and the luma.oled library to control the OLED display. The script retrieves the current time and date, weather data for a specific city, and then displays this information on the OLED display in an infinite loop.

To build a smart mirror with this script, you will need the following electronic components:

  1. Raspberry Pi: This is the computer that will run the script and control the OLED display.

  2. OLED Display: A small display that can be controlled by the Raspberry Pi and used to display the time, date, and weather information.

  3. I2C Interface: This is a communication protocol that allows the Raspberry Pi to communicate with the OLED display.

  4. Jumper wires: These are used to connect the Raspberry Pi to the OLED display and the I2C interface.

  5. Power Supply

Here is a sample circuit diagram for connecting the OLED display to the Raspberry Pi via I2C:

OLED Display -> Raspberry Pi

VCC -> 3.3V GND -> GND SCL -> SCL


Some OLED display that can be used are :

  1. Adafruit OLED Display
  2. Waveshare OLED Display
  3. SSD1306 OLED Display

These OLED displays and all other required electronic components can be easily found on online retailers such as Amazon.

It's important to note that, it's always a good idea to double-check the wiring diagram and the pinout of the OLED display before connecting it to the Raspberry Pi, as connecting it incorrectly can damage the OLED display or the Raspberry Pi.

You should also keep in mind that OLED display requires some additional setup and configuration on the Raspberry Pi before it can be used. This typically involves installing the necessary libraries, setting up the I2C interface, and configuring the OLED display settings. You can refer to the OLED display's documentation for more information on this process.

The python script I provided is a basic example of how to create a smart mirror using a Raspberry Pi and an OLED display. The script retrieves the current time and date, weather data for a specific city, and then displays this information on the OLED display in an infinite loop.

In addition to this script, you will also need to have a Raspberry Pi, OLED display, I2C interface, and jumper wires to connect the OLED display to the Raspberry Pi.

I also provided a sample circuit diagram for connecting the OLED display to the Raspberry Pi via I2C and a list of OLED display that can be purchased from amazon.

It's important to note that, this script is not complete and it can be enhanced with more features according to your requirements and it also requires additional setup and configuration on the Raspberry Pi before it can be used.

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