Creating a Minesweeper Game in Python

Here's an example of a simple Python script that can be used to create a command-line version of the Minesweeper game:

This script creates a command-line version of the Minesweeper game. It starts by defining three functions: create_board(), print_board(), and play_game().

The create_board() function is used to create the game board. It takes as arguments the size of the board (in number of cells) and the number of mines to be placed on the board. It creates an empty 2D list of size sizexsize which represents the board, then it randomly selects mines number of positions on the board and places mines there. Then it loops through the neighbouring cells of each mine and increases the count of each cell, which represents the number of mines in that cell's surrounding.

The print_board() function is used to print the current state of the board. It takes as arguments the board and the revealed state of each cell. It loops through the board and prints either a . if the cell has not been revealed or the number of mines in the cell if the cell is revealed.

The play_game() function is used to play the game. It takes as arguments the size of the board and the number of mines. It creates the board, revealed state of each cell, and starts the game loop. In the game loop, it calls the print_board() function to display the current state of the board, prompts the player to enter the coordinates of a cell to reveal, and then updates the revealed state of the cell. If the cell the player chose has a mine, the game ends and a message is displayed indicating that the player hit a mine. If all cells have been revealed, the game ends and a message is displayed indicating that the player won.

In this example, we have a 10x10 board with 20 mines, but you can change the parameters of the play_game() function to create a board of any size and with any number of mines.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

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