Creating a Mastermind Game in Python

Here's an example of a basic implementation of the Mastermind game in Python:

This code creates a function called generate_code() that creates a random 4 digit code using numbers 1-6. Then, creates a function called check_guess() that takes the user's guess and the secret code as parameters and returns the number of correctly placed digits and the number of correctly colored digits (but not necessarily in the right place). Then it has a function called play_game() which is the main function that uses the above two functions and loops until the user correctly guesses the code.

To run this code, you will need a Python development environment. Some popular options include IDLE (which is included with the Python installation), PyCharm Community Edition, and Visual Studio Code with the Python extension.

You can search for "Mastermind game in Python" or "Python mastermind game" online for more information and sample code.

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